Fire Safety and Prevention Tips

Fire Safety and Prevention Tips Articles

According to the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC), (PDF file) (1mb) approximately 59,000 wildfires occurred across the United States in 2021, decimating over 7 million acres of land and causing billions of dollars in damage. The worst part is that these blazing infernos are preventable. While wildfires can occur naturally via lightning strikes, the Congressional Research Service (PDF file) (.6mb) reports that humans cause 89% of wildfires. Some examples of this activity include leaving campfires unattended, burning debris, negligently discarding cigarettes, and committing arson.

As these disasters happen yearly, more and more people experience financial, physical, and emotional devastation. That’s why staying up-to-date with fire safety information is important, especially if you live in an area prone to wildfires like California. Mercury Insurance offers a wide variety of informative articles and resources, ranging from home fire safety tips to fire prevention facts. Explore all our fire-related content to help you better prepare yourself for when disaster may strike.

Homeowners insurance is another important way to help protect your home and assets from wildfires. With a homeowners insurance policy, you can get peace of mind knowing that your family and property are safe and secure from wildfires. Mercury provides high-quality coverage at an affordable price, so contact us today for a fast, free quote.

Towel accidentally catches fire on stove

Top Home Fire Prevention Safety Tips

Discover essential fire prevention safety tips to keep your home and family safe. Read our helpful guide and learn how Mercury can help protect your property!

Hill Side on fire near homes

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Fire Damage?

Learn how homeowners insurance covers fire damage and the steps to take after a fire. Protect your home and explore affordable coverage with Mercury!

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Benefits of Drought-Tolerant Landscaping

Drought-tolerant landscaping saves you money, water, and time. Get started creating a beautiful drought-resistant yard with less maintenance in this guide.

Fire is burning hay in the dry season

How Do Wildfires Start and Spread?

Wildfires require heat, fuel, and oxygen to start, but flames need wind to gain traction and spread. See how you can protect yourself from wildfires here.

Wildfire in the hills of southern California

Wildfire Facts: 9 Things to Know

A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire that burns intensely and quickly spreads through natural landscapes. Explore more wildfire facts you should know, here.

Hand lighting candle on a christmas tree

Protect Your Home Against These Common Causes of House Fires

To avoid house fires, you must know what causes them. With this guide, you can mitigate your chances of starting a fire by taking proper precautions at home.

House on a hill caught in a wildfire

What Is A Difference In Conditions Policy?

A difference in conditions policy can help cover losses not included in standard homeowner's insurance. Learn how Mercury's DIC policies can help you.

A hillside of CA houses with mountains in the background

How to Fireproof Your Home From Wildfires

Your home keeps family safe and holds priceless memories. Learn how to fireproof your home from wildfires from the experts at Mercury Insurance.
