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The Mercury Marketing Team is made up of professionals in the fields of Content Creation, Public Relations and Social Media. The team works together to deliver professionally written and researched content to provide information for consumers.

Man breaking into house through the window

Security Tips to Protect Your Home

Check out the Mercury Insurance guide for home security tips for eleven simple things you can do to dramatically reduce the risk of loss.

Southern Most Point in Florida

Things to Do in Florida

Looking for the top things to do in Florida? Get the inside scoop to the sunshine state from Mercury Insurance.

Pan catches fire while woman cooks

Beware of Thanksgiving Day Hazards

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year to spend with our families, but you can never be too safe. Here are some Thanksgiving Day hazards to be aware of.

Girl making snow angel out of packing popcorn

Time to Ace College Insurance 101

Homeowners insurance exists to protect your property against unexpected losses. An added benefit of having this coverage is it can extend to property outside of the insured dwelling. Full-time college students under the age of 24 who have moved away from their parents’ home can still be covered under their parents’ homeowners policy.

House surrounded by fire, lighting, and rain

Are You Ready For A Natural Disaster?

Take this emergency preparedness quiz to see if you’re ready for a natural disaster.

Lime green car with a for sale sign on windshield

Tips to Keep Top of Mind When Buying a Used Car

A car is one of the biggest purchases you’ll make in life, and purchasing a used vehicle can be a great way to get the most for your dollar. Don’t hastily jump into a deal before searching around and doing your homework on what a car is truly worth.