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Mercury Team

The Mercury Marketing Team is made up of professionals in the fields of Content Creation, Public Relations and Social Media. The team works together to deliver professionally written and researched content to provide information for consumers.

Woman coffee shop owner putting an open sign on the front door.

Common Business Risks and How to Prepare for Them

When running a business, it's essential to know what a business risk is, the different types of risks, and the steps to take to prepare for them.

Small business owner researching insurance options

Small Business Insurance 101: What Is It and What Does It Cover?

Small business insurance protects you from the unexpected costs of running a business. In this guide, learn how it can help safeguard your business.

Installation of solar panels on the roof of a house, maintenance and cleaning with vertical works

How to Create Environmentally Friendly Homes

An eco-friendly home is built to use less energy and reduce waste. With this guide, you can create a more sustainable home and reduce your carbon footprint.

Young couple using a laptop while doing their budget paperwork in their kitchen at home

What’s the Difference Between a Home Warranty and Home Insurance?

Home warranty and home insurance may seem interchangeable, but they’re two separate policies, each providing critical benefits. Here's what to know.

Woman taking home inventory photo with a smartphone

How To Create a Home Inventory and Why You Should Make One

Creating a home inventory is important for your records in case of emergency. Learn how to keep a home inventory list from the experts at Mercury Insurance.