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The Mercury Marketing Team is made up of professionals in the fields of Content Creation, Public Relations and Social Media. The team works together to deliver professionally written and researched content to provide information for consumers.

Family standing near for sale sign in front of house

How To Buy And Sell A Home At The Same Time

Discover the essential steps and strategies for buying and selling a home simultaneously. Navigate the challenges of coordinating transactions, securing financing, & managing timelines.

Flooding from a storm

Are You Prepared for El Niño?

El Niño is a weather phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean that can impact weather patterns worldwide. Here is how to prepare for El Niño to minimize damage.

 Young woman learning how to drive a car.

Are You a Good Driver? Take Our Online Driving Quiz to Find Out!

This driving quiz puts you in real-world scenarios. Take the test to see if you are a good driver, and how well you know the rules of the road!

Happy family traveling at seaside with car.

Summer Road Trip Guide: Helpful Tips to Consider

As warm weather approaches, many families look to the open road. In this road trip guide, learn how to plan a successful road trip.