Additional Blog Posts

Driving in the rain on the interstate

10 Tips for Driving in the Rain

Road conditions change during a rainstorm, here are 10 tips to help you stay safe while driving your car in the rain.

Construction contractor talking to a couple about their new home being built

Home Renovation 101: Simple Steps for Building Your Dream House

Thinking about doing some home renovations? Here are a few tips about home renovation that will help you get started and keep you on task and within budget.

BMW i8 parked at the beach

2015 BMW i8 is the Hybrid Sports Car Like No Other

The 2015 BMW i8 is the hybrid sports car you've been waiting for. Here is a rundown of just some of the reasons why.

Two deer running across a two lane road

OH…DEER! Watch for deer this time of year.

Nationally, deer-car accidents cause more than $1 billion in vehicle damages and claim 150 lives every year, and the number of fatalities has been rising.

A line of colorful cars parked at a car dealer

Car Insurance Rates Are Color Blind

Mercury Insurance wants to let consumers know that car color does not factor into insurance rates. Learn more in this helpful article.

Picture of a hurricane on a radar

Make Sure Your Home and Auto Insurance Cover You When The Sky Is Falling

Are you prepared for an increase in hurricanes, floods, wildfires and tornadoes?

A young black teenage driver seated in her new car with her mother

Licensed to Drive: 10 Lessons for Life Behind the Wheel

Proper preparation before, during and after you get your license will help you stay safe behind the wheel and avoid becoming a tragic statistic.

2015 Porsche Macan driving through a city

2015 Porsche Macan sets benchmark for small luxury SUVs

The all-new 2015 Porsche Macan will go on sale this year in the very competitive compact luxury SUV segment and is definitely worth a look.
