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Driver making phone call after traffic accident

Can You Claim a Car Accident Without a Police Report?

You can file a claim without a police report, but having one can speed up the process. Here's what to do after an accident, and the importance of reports.

Man driving car and looking at mirror for reverse

Distracted Driving: How Distracted Are American Drivers on the Road?

Mercury Insurance surveyed 1,000 U.S. drivers about distracted driving habits. Here are the top driving distractions according to these drivers.

Front door package seashell wreath

How to Prevent Package Theft

One of the downsides of online shopping is package theft. Here's how to keep your packages secure, and what to do if porch pirates steal your deliveries.

Man installing smoke or carbon monoxide detector

How to Test Your Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors serve as the first line of defense against devastating home fires. Here's how to test smoke detectors, and when it's time to replace them.

Deer crossing the road in front of a moving car.

Does Car Insurance Cover Animal Collisions?

As long as you have comprehensive coverage, your car insurance should cover animal damage from collisions. Here's what to do if you hit an animal.

Young couple in their new house

What Happens to My Home Insurance When I Move?

When moving houses, what happens to your existing homeowners insurance? Learn how to ensure a smooth transition of your coverage in this guide.

Middle aged man repairing burst water pipe

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Damage Caused by a Contractor?

Does homeowners insurance cover damage caused by contractors? In this guide, learn what is covered, and the steps to take if your property is damaged.

Taking a picture of a wrecked car

What to Expect When You File an Insurance Claim

Understanding what to expect when filing an auto insurance claim is crucial to finding a resolution. Here's what to know about the insurance claim process.
