Good drivers like you deserve a discount on auto insurance. Sign up for MercuryGO today and you’ll instantly get a 5% Participation Discount…up to 10% for teen drivers! Plus, you’ll have the ability to earn up to an additional 40% off at renewal based on how you drive!
MercuryGO is auto insurance tailored specifically to you. It’s designed to help you save money and provide advice about how to become a better driver, too. You’ll get real-time feedback about your driving, which can help you sharpen your skills and highlight areas where you might need a little improvement. This will help keep you and everyone around you safer on the road, AND you’ll get a rate customized to the way you drive, which could save you up to 40% at renewal!
If you’re already a Mercury customer, please contact your agent to add MercuryGO. You can find your agent contact information on your bill or in your online account.
This program is only available in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia.
Saving money with MercuryGO is easy.
If you’re already a Mercury customer, all you have to do is let your agent know you’d like to participate and they’ll take it from there.
If you’re not a customer, you’ve been missing out. But don’t worry, signing up for MercuryGO is simple.
And that’s just the beginning, because your future rate will be customized to how you drive, which means you could earn up to an additional 40% off at renewal! Easy, right?
The app is also your personal driving coach, providing you with skill scores that give you realtime feedback about your driving. You may be surprised by some of the things you do behind the wheel.
Here are a few things you’ll learn:
Distracted Driving
How often do you handle your phone?
How hard do you brake?
How fast do you accelerate?
Do you follow the speed limit?
Do you take corners hard and fast?
All of these behaviors strongly align with the risk of getting into an accident, so knowing how you score can help you become a better driver. And that can turn into cash in the form of discounts…big auto insurance discounts when you renew your policy!
You have questions and we have answers.
* Participation Discount varies by state.